An ancient inscribed stamp used by the Israelite King Jeroboam II has an inscription in Hebrew. The stamp, used to seal documents, comes from the administration of a Jewish king who ruled in Israel some 2,800 years ago.
"There were never any “Palestinian” kings — not 3,000 years ago, not 1,000 years ago, not even 100 years ago. The writing on the [stamp] is in Hebrew. Not Arabic. Arabs didn’t live in the Land of Israel."(1)
Arabs living in Israel today re-write history in order to promote the propaganda that their land is "occupied" by the Jews. For example, “The Palestine Project,” an anti-Israel propaganda website, took 45 photos from Life magazine’s archive and created an exhibit called, “Palestine 1948.”
But the propaganda site changed the original captions on all 45 photos. For example: A caption mentioning “Arab refugees” (refugees from Arab countries--not photos of people born in Israel) was changed to “Palestinian” refugees.(1)
History is being re-written.
Before 1948, records show it was the Jews, not the Arabs or Muslims, who called themselves “Palestinians”.(1) The Palestine Post was a Jewish newspaper (which later changed its name to the Jerusalem Post). The Palestine Symphony consisted of Jewish musicians. The "American League for a Free Palestine" was lobbying to establish a Jewish state."(1)
"There were never any “Palestinian” kings — not 3,000 years ago, not 1,000 years ago, not even 100 years ago. The writing on the [stamp] is in Hebrew. Not Arabic. Arabs didn’t live in the Land of Israel."(1)
Arabs living in Israel today re-write history in order to promote the propaganda that their land is "occupied" by the Jews. For example, “The Palestine Project,” an anti-Israel propaganda website, took 45 photos from Life magazine’s archive and created an exhibit called, “Palestine 1948.”
But the propaganda site changed the original captions on all 45 photos. For example: A caption mentioning “Arab refugees” (refugees from Arab countries--not photos of people born in Israel) was changed to “Palestinian” refugees.(1)
History is being re-written.
Before 1948, records show it was the Jews, not the Arabs or Muslims, who called themselves “Palestinians”.(1) The Palestine Post was a Jewish newspaper (which later changed its name to the Jerusalem Post). The Palestine Symphony consisted of Jewish musicians. The "American League for a Free Palestine" was lobbying to establish a Jewish state."(1)
“Where ARE all those [Arab/Muslim] Palestinians, the proclaimed one million of them who lived in Israel before they were ‘displaced’? Nowhere, because they never existed.”(2)
"... where are all the mosques for those 'one million Palestinians'? With Muslims come mosques. There can be no Muslim population without a large proportion of mosques. If they had been one million at the turn of the Century, or even in 1920 after they began immigrating to fight the British, with their rapid population growth, Palestine would consist of over 40 million people today. That alone proves the Palestinian jihad lies. Their population is small because they are new invaders and occupiers... (2)
Félix Bonfils (1831-1885) was a French photographer who traveled the region for four years taking photos.
9,000 Photos taken in ‘Palestine’ showed no trace of Muslims or mosques
"His pictures did not capture any photographs of a single so-called ‘Palestinian’ who are suppose to have lost land to Jewish occupation... All he found was a few bedouines passing through... Guess why? Because the “Palestinian” people as we know them today never existed."(2)
"... once Israel had been assigned to be returned to the Jewish people in 1917, Muslims rapidly began to pour into the region from other countries with a purpose to kill them. The first conflict and killing in Israel/Palestine was initiated by the Muslims. ... if we look at timeline of events in history we will quite easily see that the REAL occupiers of the region are the Muslims.(2)
"Palestinians are a fake creation ... and originate from mass immigration from Egypt and Saudi Arabia with purpose to commit jihad. The Egyptian fighters ended up in Gaza and the Saudi fighters ended up in the West Bank."(2)
The "word" Palestine
The Roman emperor Hadrian reigned from 117-138 AD and ruled over Judea. After a Jewish revolt in Jerusalem, which lasted more than 2 years, Hadrian forbade Jews to set foot in Jerusalem. Jews continued to live in the Holy Land, but in places such as Yavneh, Tiberias, Acco and Sephorus.
Hadrian changed the name from Judea to Palaestina. The ancient Greeks had called this region Philistia after the ancient people called the Philistines. The Philistines were an enemy of the Jews during the time of King David. There were no longer any Philistines during Hadrian's time.
Hadrian's purpose of changing the name from Judea to Palaestina was to disconnect the land from the Jews and to discourage them from mounting another rebellion.(3)
The Romans did what all conquerors did. They renamed places they controlled to names to suit their own language and purpose.
"... where are all the mosques for those 'one million Palestinians'? With Muslims come mosques. There can be no Muslim population without a large proportion of mosques. If they had been one million at the turn of the Century, or even in 1920 after they began immigrating to fight the British, with their rapid population growth, Palestine would consist of over 40 million people today. That alone proves the Palestinian jihad lies. Their population is small because they are new invaders and occupiers... (2)
Félix Bonfils (1831-1885) was a French photographer who traveled the region for four years taking photos.
9,000 Photos taken in ‘Palestine’ showed no trace of Muslims or mosques
"His pictures did not capture any photographs of a single so-called ‘Palestinian’ who are suppose to have lost land to Jewish occupation... All he found was a few bedouines passing through... Guess why? Because the “Palestinian” people as we know them today never existed."(2)
"... once Israel had been assigned to be returned to the Jewish people in 1917, Muslims rapidly began to pour into the region from other countries with a purpose to kill them. The first conflict and killing in Israel/Palestine was initiated by the Muslims. ... if we look at timeline of events in history we will quite easily see that the REAL occupiers of the region are the Muslims.(2)
"Palestinians are a fake creation ... and originate from mass immigration from Egypt and Saudi Arabia with purpose to commit jihad. The Egyptian fighters ended up in Gaza and the Saudi fighters ended up in the West Bank."(2)
The "word" Palestine
The Roman emperor Hadrian reigned from 117-138 AD and ruled over Judea. After a Jewish revolt in Jerusalem, which lasted more than 2 years, Hadrian forbade Jews to set foot in Jerusalem. Jews continued to live in the Holy Land, but in places such as Yavneh, Tiberias, Acco and Sephorus.
Hadrian changed the name from Judea to Palaestina. The ancient Greeks had called this region Philistia after the ancient people called the Philistines. The Philistines were an enemy of the Jews during the time of King David. There were no longer any Philistines during Hadrian's time.
Hadrian's purpose of changing the name from Judea to Palaestina was to disconnect the land from the Jews and to discourage them from mounting another rebellion.(3)
The Romans did what all conquerors did. They renamed places they controlled to names to suit their own language and purpose.
Photo left: The Dome of the Rock, considered today to be a mosque, has the same floor plan and dimensions of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. It was the most common style of architecture for churches in early Christianity.
Photo right: The Church of the Beatitudes on the Sea of Galilee, built in the 300's
The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is not an Islamic shrine. It was a church. See: The Dome of the Rock is not an Islamic shrine
Photo right: The Church of the Beatitudes on the Sea of Galilee, built in the 300's
The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is not an Islamic shrine. It was a church. See: The Dome of the Rock is not an Islamic shrine
Cheri Berens' book
An American Woman Living in Egypt: Life during an Islamic takeover
is jam-packed with explosive information about U.S. involvement in Islamist takeovers of foreign countries and details why there is a similar crisis lurking subversively inside America.
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Introduction to Cheri's book
Jacket Back of Cheri's book
An American Woman Living in Egypt: Life during an Islamic takeover
is jam-packed with explosive information about U.S. involvement in Islamist takeovers of foreign countries and details why there is a similar crisis lurking subversively inside America.
Available at Amazon or order it from your local bookstore.
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