Our government and the FBI does nothing to stop radical Islam.
There is no attempt to investigate the 35 jihadi training camps.
Nothing is being done about known terrorist mosques.
There is no attempt to investigate the 35 jihadi training camps.
Nothing is being done about known terrorist mosques.
Photos: Abdurahman Alamoudi publicly declared his support for Hamas and Hezbollah and was convicted as a financier for al-Qaeda. He worked in the Clinton and Bush administrations.
Abdurahman Alamoudi
Al-Qaeda financier, Abdurahman Alamoudi, was the most prominent Muslim leader in America with exclusive access to President Clinton. He then went on to work in the Bush administration.(1)(3)
He advised the two presidents from 1993-2004 and had unhindered access to the highest levels of power in our government and dictated policy on how Americans were to view Muslims (i.e. "peaceful moderates" -- even though he himself financed al-Qaeda and supported Hamas and Hezbollah).
Alamoudi created the Muslim Chaplain program for the Department of Defense. He created some of the largest Islamic organizations in America and led others. He worked with the Department of Education and determined what went into American public school textbooks regarding Islam. He was “Good Will Ambassador” for the U.S. Department of State.(3)
Alamoudi was caught on video in 1999 speaking adjacent to the White House where he publicly declared being a supporter of Hamas and Hezbollah. Yet this did not get him removed from his position within the U.S. government.
Even though he was a supporter of Hamas and Hezbollah, Alamoudi was invited by the Bush administration to speak at the National Cathedral prayer service in memory of victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks.
Alamoudi was arrested in 2003 and convicted as a financier for Al Qaeda in 2004. The Movement for Islamic Reform in Arabia (MIRA), an al-Qaeda affiliate, had received approximately $1 million in funding via Alamoudi. Alamoudi had raised money for al Qaida while living in the United States.
Alamoudi's fundraising not only went to al Qaeda, but also to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
This did not get him fired from his positions inside the U.S. government. It was not until he went to prison in October 2004 did he abandon his position in the Bush administration.
Many Muslim chaplains chosen by Alamoudi are still working with our military and continue to spread the lies about Islam and that Islam means peace.
The Islamic organizations Alamoudi created or led, and the individuals who worked with him providing support to al-Qaeda, Hamas, and the Muslim Brotherhood, are still working with Congress and working with the national security staff.
John Guandolo, who worked in the Counterterrorism Division of the FBI and is founder of Understanding the Threat (UTT), an organization that provides tools to police and citizens to identify and dismantle jihadi networks in their local communities, states:
"... The U.S. Muslim Brotherhood claims it has established a “Shadow Government” inside the U.S. government whose responsibilities include gathering intelligence and influencing decision-making at the strategic and operational levels. Having al-Qaeda operative Abdurahman Alamoudi advising President Clinton, Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Magid working on the Homeland Security Advisory Committee with a secret clearance, or the Department of State training ISIS military commander Colonel Kalminov on five separate occasions between 2003 and 2014, are indicators that the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood has decisive influence in the government and unfettered access to major components of the government.(7)
Others who are or have influenced our government:
Imam Anwar al-Awlaki
Imam Anwar al-Awlaki was a senior al-Qaeda recruiter, a designated Global Terrorist, and was Imam at Dar al Hijra mosque in Virginia (where FBI leadership participate as "outreach partners"). The U.S. government considered Imam al-Awlaki a “moderate Muslim.” Awlaki has given presentations at the Pentagon, the U.S. Capital, and he worked with many government officials.
Al-Awlaki was a Yemeni al-Qaeda leader.
Abdel Hakim Belhadj
Photo below shows U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal (CT), John McCain (AZ), and Lindsey Graham (SC) giving al-Qaeda Leader Abdel Hakim Belhadj an award. Belhaj was the leader of al-Qaeda in Libya. Belhadj then moved on to becoming an ISIS leader in Syria. He was considered a “moderate” Muslim by Congress members and worked with Congress, the White House, and our government.(4)
Al-Qaeda financier, Abdurahman Alamoudi, was the most prominent Muslim leader in America with exclusive access to President Clinton. He then went on to work in the Bush administration.(1)(3)
He advised the two presidents from 1993-2004 and had unhindered access to the highest levels of power in our government and dictated policy on how Americans were to view Muslims (i.e. "peaceful moderates" -- even though he himself financed al-Qaeda and supported Hamas and Hezbollah).
Alamoudi created the Muslim Chaplain program for the Department of Defense. He created some of the largest Islamic organizations in America and led others. He worked with the Department of Education and determined what went into American public school textbooks regarding Islam. He was “Good Will Ambassador” for the U.S. Department of State.(3)
Alamoudi was caught on video in 1999 speaking adjacent to the White House where he publicly declared being a supporter of Hamas and Hezbollah. Yet this did not get him removed from his position within the U.S. government.
Even though he was a supporter of Hamas and Hezbollah, Alamoudi was invited by the Bush administration to speak at the National Cathedral prayer service in memory of victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks.
Alamoudi was arrested in 2003 and convicted as a financier for Al Qaeda in 2004. The Movement for Islamic Reform in Arabia (MIRA), an al-Qaeda affiliate, had received approximately $1 million in funding via Alamoudi. Alamoudi had raised money for al Qaida while living in the United States.
Alamoudi's fundraising not only went to al Qaeda, but also to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
This did not get him fired from his positions inside the U.S. government. It was not until he went to prison in October 2004 did he abandon his position in the Bush administration.
Many Muslim chaplains chosen by Alamoudi are still working with our military and continue to spread the lies about Islam and that Islam means peace.
The Islamic organizations Alamoudi created or led, and the individuals who worked with him providing support to al-Qaeda, Hamas, and the Muslim Brotherhood, are still working with Congress and working with the national security staff.
John Guandolo, who worked in the Counterterrorism Division of the FBI and is founder of Understanding the Threat (UTT), an organization that provides tools to police and citizens to identify and dismantle jihadi networks in their local communities, states:
"... The U.S. Muslim Brotherhood claims it has established a “Shadow Government” inside the U.S. government whose responsibilities include gathering intelligence and influencing decision-making at the strategic and operational levels. Having al-Qaeda operative Abdurahman Alamoudi advising President Clinton, Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Magid working on the Homeland Security Advisory Committee with a secret clearance, or the Department of State training ISIS military commander Colonel Kalminov on five separate occasions between 2003 and 2014, are indicators that the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood has decisive influence in the government and unfettered access to major components of the government.(7)
Others who are or have influenced our government:
Imam Anwar al-Awlaki
Imam Anwar al-Awlaki was a senior al-Qaeda recruiter, a designated Global Terrorist, and was Imam at Dar al Hijra mosque in Virginia (where FBI leadership participate as "outreach partners"). The U.S. government considered Imam al-Awlaki a “moderate Muslim.” Awlaki has given presentations at the Pentagon, the U.S. Capital, and he worked with many government officials.
Al-Awlaki was a Yemeni al-Qaeda leader.
Abdel Hakim Belhadj
Photo below shows U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal (CT), John McCain (AZ), and Lindsey Graham (SC) giving al-Qaeda Leader Abdel Hakim Belhadj an award. Belhaj was the leader of al-Qaeda in Libya. Belhadj then moved on to becoming an ISIS leader in Syria. He was considered a “moderate” Muslim by Congress members and worked with Congress, the White House, and our government.(4)
The FBI has had jihadis in custody, only to release them, and the jihadis then conducted terror attacks (5)
Major Nidal Hasan: Fort Hood Texas – 14 killed, 30 wounded
Hasan’s calls with al-Qaeda leader Anwar al Awlaki were intercepted, but considered irrelevant because most of the conversations were “religious rhetoric.” But the fact was, Hasan was receiving the legal authority under Islamic Law to conduct the terrorist operation.
Omar Mateen: Orlando Night Club – 49 killed, 53 wounded
Omar Mateen was interviewed by the FBI on three occasions and “deemed not to be a threat.” FBI Special Agent Juvenal Martin even testified that the FBI were considering making Omar Mateen a confidential informant.
In other words--they trusted him enough to be honest about activity within the Muslim community.
Siddique Mateen, Omar's father, was an FBI informant. Siddique Mateen was Vice President of the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce, Florida where Omar attended for 13 years.
The FBI did not recognize that Siddique and Omar Mateen were jihadis.
A suicide bomber, Moner Mohammad Abu-Salha, had also attended this mosque before committing his act of terrorism.
The FBI was unable to determine the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce was a jihadi mosque.
What happened to the FBI? (6)
Immediately following 9/11, FBI Director Mueller began meeting with leaders of Muslim Brotherhood organizations at FBI Headquarters. This included the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), the Muslim American Society (MAS), and other terrorist groups. These meetings were allegedly held to “better understand” the Muslim community. (6)
Because of these relationships with Muslim Brotherhood organizations, the FBI and our government have been persuaded into believing lies about Islamic doctrine and the duties of Muslims according to Islamic doctrine (i.e. jihad and the enforcement of sharia on all people).
The FBI conducts no training on the threat of Islam and no training on sharia. Sharia is what jihadis say is the reason why they fight and sharia details how they are to fight.(6)
Since the Clinton administration, Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda supporters are the type of "Islamic advisors" to our U.S. Presidents, Secretaries of State, military generals, FBI, CIA, DHS, and National Security Staffs. These "advisers" have purposefully deprived our government officials of a true understanding of Islam.(2)
“Interfaith Outreach” is controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood. Churches and synagogues discuss Islam with their congregations in a positive light because the Muslim Brotherhood's Interfaith Outreach program feeds church and synagogue leaders with lies about Islam. (2)
Saudi Arabia and Turkey run propaganda operations for U.S. and state legislatures. Both countries work with legislatures to give them a whitewashed understanding of Islam in order to minimize the true threat of Islam.(2)
There is no training anywhere inside the federal government detailing Islamic doctrine, including inside the Department of Defense, military academies, war colleges and the Joint Forces Staff College.
Islamist organizations made requests to Chairman Joint Chief Martin Dempsey and FBI Director Mueller to shut down all training regarding Islamic doctrine and both men submitted.(2)
Major Nidal Hasan: Fort Hood Texas – 14 killed, 30 wounded
Hasan’s calls with al-Qaeda leader Anwar al Awlaki were intercepted, but considered irrelevant because most of the conversations were “religious rhetoric.” But the fact was, Hasan was receiving the legal authority under Islamic Law to conduct the terrorist operation.
Omar Mateen: Orlando Night Club – 49 killed, 53 wounded
Omar Mateen was interviewed by the FBI on three occasions and “deemed not to be a threat.” FBI Special Agent Juvenal Martin even testified that the FBI were considering making Omar Mateen a confidential informant.
In other words--they trusted him enough to be honest about activity within the Muslim community.
Siddique Mateen, Omar's father, was an FBI informant. Siddique Mateen was Vice President of the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce, Florida where Omar attended for 13 years.
The FBI did not recognize that Siddique and Omar Mateen were jihadis.
A suicide bomber, Moner Mohammad Abu-Salha, had also attended this mosque before committing his act of terrorism.
The FBI was unable to determine the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce was a jihadi mosque.
What happened to the FBI? (6)
Immediately following 9/11, FBI Director Mueller began meeting with leaders of Muslim Brotherhood organizations at FBI Headquarters. This included the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), the Muslim American Society (MAS), and other terrorist groups. These meetings were allegedly held to “better understand” the Muslim community. (6)
Because of these relationships with Muslim Brotherhood organizations, the FBI and our government have been persuaded into believing lies about Islamic doctrine and the duties of Muslims according to Islamic doctrine (i.e. jihad and the enforcement of sharia on all people).
The FBI conducts no training on the threat of Islam and no training on sharia. Sharia is what jihadis say is the reason why they fight and sharia details how they are to fight.(6)
Since the Clinton administration, Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda supporters are the type of "Islamic advisors" to our U.S. Presidents, Secretaries of State, military generals, FBI, CIA, DHS, and National Security Staffs. These "advisers" have purposefully deprived our government officials of a true understanding of Islam.(2)
“Interfaith Outreach” is controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood. Churches and synagogues discuss Islam with their congregations in a positive light because the Muslim Brotherhood's Interfaith Outreach program feeds church and synagogue leaders with lies about Islam. (2)
Saudi Arabia and Turkey run propaganda operations for U.S. and state legislatures. Both countries work with legislatures to give them a whitewashed understanding of Islam in order to minimize the true threat of Islam.(2)
There is no training anywhere inside the federal government detailing Islamic doctrine, including inside the Department of Defense, military academies, war colleges and the Joint Forces Staff College.
Islamist organizations made requests to Chairman Joint Chief Martin Dempsey and FBI Director Mueller to shut down all training regarding Islamic doctrine and both men submitted.(2)
ABOUT Cheri Berens: First-hand experiences while living in Egypt, attending university in Egypt, and her eventual marriage to an Egyptian gave Cheri an in-depth, uncensored view of an Islamic society that she documents in her book, An American Woman Living in Egypt: Life during an Islamic takeover
Cheri's book is Jam-packed with explosive information about U.S. involvement in the Islamist takeovers in Egypt, Libya, Syria and Iraq and details why there is a similar crisis lurking subversively inside America.
Available at Amazon
Introduction to Cheri's book
Jacket Back of Cheri's book
Cheri's book is Jam-packed with explosive information about U.S. involvement in the Islamist takeovers in Egypt, Libya, Syria and Iraq and details why there is a similar crisis lurking subversively inside America.
Available at Amazon
Introduction to Cheri's book
Jacket Back of Cheri's book
Note: Understanding the Threat (UTT) is the only organization in America providing tools to leaders, police and citizens to identify and dismantle jihadi/terrorist networks in their local communities,
(1) Jihadis at the Highest Level of Government. April 9, 2020.
(2) The Foxes Run the Henhouse: Suit-Wearing Jihadis Control the Narrative. March 10, 2020.
(3) Al Qaeda’s Abdurahman Alamoudi Advised Two U.S. Presidents. August 24, 2016.
(4) John McCain Awards ISIS Leader & Iranian-Born Muslim Takes Over FBI WMD Program. September 1, 2016. https://www.understandingthethreat.com/utt-throwback-thursday-john-mccain-awards-isis-leader-iranian-born-muslim-takes-over-fbi-wmd-program/
(5) IG’s Report Reveals a Lack of Understanding of the Islamic Threat at FBI. March 4, 2020.
(6) The Transformation of the FBI. March 19, 2018.
(7) When the Worst Case Scenario is the Most Likely Scenario. May 23, 2019
(1) Jihadis at the Highest Level of Government. April 9, 2020.
(2) The Foxes Run the Henhouse: Suit-Wearing Jihadis Control the Narrative. March 10, 2020.
(3) Al Qaeda’s Abdurahman Alamoudi Advised Two U.S. Presidents. August 24, 2016.
(4) John McCain Awards ISIS Leader & Iranian-Born Muslim Takes Over FBI WMD Program. September 1, 2016. https://www.understandingthethreat.com/utt-throwback-thursday-john-mccain-awards-isis-leader-iranian-born-muslim-takes-over-fbi-wmd-program/
(5) IG’s Report Reveals a Lack of Understanding of the Islamic Threat at FBI. March 4, 2020.
(6) The Transformation of the FBI. March 19, 2018.
(7) When the Worst Case Scenario is the Most Likely Scenario. May 23, 2019