A California organization, the Institute on Religion and Civic Values, formerly known as the Council on Islamic Education, provides the content to a federally funded program on Islam taught in public schools throughout America. The Institute is a Muslim Brotherhood organization.(1)
The program provides teachers with Lesson Plans, Worksheets, Activities and Islamic indoctrination videos.
Our public schools are teaching American children how to do Muslim prayers. Our children are taught what Muslims say when they pray, what the ritual prayer movements are, and what direction to pray. Our children are given passages from the Quran and hadith (things Muhammad said and did) and are then asked to explain how the Quran and hadith can be used in daily life. |
Each child is to read the shahada (the statement of conversion to Islam).
NOTE: American children are not given any lessons on how to be a Christian, a Jew, or how to practice any other faith -- only Islam.
American children are being taught how to become a Muslim in our public schools.
One activity our children are given is to create posters labelling the five pillars of Islam. The children are then instructed to place these posters in classrooms and hallways throughout the school. In doing this, our children are proselytizing for Islam.
No posters about the basics of Christianity or Judaism are taught or displayed--not even the Ten Commandments.
One of the videos shown to American children show the children how to follow the five pillars of Islam. The video is extreme proselytizing.
The videos show millions of Muslims at the haj in Mecca performing Islamic rituals in unison, giving the impression that Islam is the primary religion most people around the world adhere to. An extremely persuasive and charismatic African American tells our children: "Allah will reward you for going to haj at Mecca. I’ve never before prayed with 2-3 million people all together in unison…there’s a great deal of power in that.”
One of the rituals done at the haj is throwing stones. Children are told that this represents throwing stones at the devils that "threaten their lives." The video tells public school children: “We all have devils.” Throwing rocks at the devil at the haj is "like saying to the devil, I’m stronger than you.”
Children are being taught they can fight the devil by becoming Muslim.
The video shown to our children demonstrates the Muslim ritual of cleansing and use of the prayer rug. Children are told: “The prayer rug makes you feel cleaner.”
Children are told the kabba at Mecca is the first house of worship for One God.
It doesn't matter that archeological and other evidence proves this untrue and that synagogues and churches were built centuries before Islam. Yet our children are denied any factual information to counter the lie.
American children are told that Mecca is the location where God talked to Abraham. This statement fundamental changes Biblical history. Yet our children are not given Biblical history to compare with Islam's version.
Students are told the words of Revelation came from allah to Muhammad. One Muslim in the video shown to our children says the Quran is the source of learning from God’s very first revelation. Again, this is contrary to the teachings of the Bible.
The video shown in public schools refers to a convert to Islam and says: “This American born Christian has found a new path. Islam is the true worship of God.”
Christian children are being taught that if they convert to Islam they will be worshipping the one true God—Allah.
Another Muslim in the video is dressed in full Islamic garb, making the Islamic costume very appealing to young children. “Go [to the haj] with your heart wide open like an empty vessel and you come back full, just full of the spirit of God...”
Another Muslim says: “My relationship with God comes from the Quran. Whenever I want to be close with God it’s a matter of going to the [Quran].”
The fact that 64% of the Quran makes a distinction between non-Muslims and Muslims -- pointing out the inferior status of non-Muslims is not mentioned.
The fact that at least 19% of the Quran is devoted to violent conquest and subjugation of non-Muslims is not mentioned.
The fact that the Quran contains well over 100 verses that call Muslims to war with non-Muslims for the sake of Islamic rule is not mentioned.
The fact that Islam calls for the extermination of Christian and Jews is not mentioned.
There is no mention of female genital mutilation, wife beating, pedophilia or rape—all of which are sanctioned under Islam.
In one homework assignment, the question is asked: “How did Muslim conquerors treat those they conquered?” Our children are told the correct answer is, “With tolerance, kindness and respect.”(6) ~~ a lie.
Our children are not given the factual truth that Muslim conquerors have always committed atrocities on the people they conquered.
Our children are not told that the Quran and Islamic Doctrine teach that only Muslims have rights and that non-Muslims must be deprived of them. Our children are not told that rape, torture and the murder of non-Muslims is condoned in the Quran and hadith.
American children are being dumbed down, purposefully confused by gender fluidity, and terrorized by climate change. Child suicide rates have reached the highest levels in two decades. What hope are our children offered?
Our public schools only teach one option: Islam.
NOTE: American children are not given any lessons on how to be a Christian, a Jew, or how to practice any other faith -- only Islam.
American children are being taught how to become a Muslim in our public schools.
One activity our children are given is to create posters labelling the five pillars of Islam. The children are then instructed to place these posters in classrooms and hallways throughout the school. In doing this, our children are proselytizing for Islam.
No posters about the basics of Christianity or Judaism are taught or displayed--not even the Ten Commandments.
One of the videos shown to American children show the children how to follow the five pillars of Islam. The video is extreme proselytizing.
The videos show millions of Muslims at the haj in Mecca performing Islamic rituals in unison, giving the impression that Islam is the primary religion most people around the world adhere to. An extremely persuasive and charismatic African American tells our children: "Allah will reward you for going to haj at Mecca. I’ve never before prayed with 2-3 million people all together in unison…there’s a great deal of power in that.”
One of the rituals done at the haj is throwing stones. Children are told that this represents throwing stones at the devils that "threaten their lives." The video tells public school children: “We all have devils.” Throwing rocks at the devil at the haj is "like saying to the devil, I’m stronger than you.”
Children are being taught they can fight the devil by becoming Muslim.
The video shown to our children demonstrates the Muslim ritual of cleansing and use of the prayer rug. Children are told: “The prayer rug makes you feel cleaner.”
Children are told the kabba at Mecca is the first house of worship for One God.
It doesn't matter that archeological and other evidence proves this untrue and that synagogues and churches were built centuries before Islam. Yet our children are denied any factual information to counter the lie.
American children are told that Mecca is the location where God talked to Abraham. This statement fundamental changes Biblical history. Yet our children are not given Biblical history to compare with Islam's version.
Students are told the words of Revelation came from allah to Muhammad. One Muslim in the video shown to our children says the Quran is the source of learning from God’s very first revelation. Again, this is contrary to the teachings of the Bible.
The video shown in public schools refers to a convert to Islam and says: “This American born Christian has found a new path. Islam is the true worship of God.”
Christian children are being taught that if they convert to Islam they will be worshipping the one true God—Allah.
Another Muslim in the video is dressed in full Islamic garb, making the Islamic costume very appealing to young children. “Go [to the haj] with your heart wide open like an empty vessel and you come back full, just full of the spirit of God...”
Another Muslim says: “My relationship with God comes from the Quran. Whenever I want to be close with God it’s a matter of going to the [Quran].”
The fact that 64% of the Quran makes a distinction between non-Muslims and Muslims -- pointing out the inferior status of non-Muslims is not mentioned.
The fact that at least 19% of the Quran is devoted to violent conquest and subjugation of non-Muslims is not mentioned.
The fact that the Quran contains well over 100 verses that call Muslims to war with non-Muslims for the sake of Islamic rule is not mentioned.
The fact that Islam calls for the extermination of Christian and Jews is not mentioned.
There is no mention of female genital mutilation, wife beating, pedophilia or rape—all of which are sanctioned under Islam.
In one homework assignment, the question is asked: “How did Muslim conquerors treat those they conquered?” Our children are told the correct answer is, “With tolerance, kindness and respect.”(6) ~~ a lie.
Our children are not given the factual truth that Muslim conquerors have always committed atrocities on the people they conquered.
Our children are not told that the Quran and Islamic Doctrine teach that only Muslims have rights and that non-Muslims must be deprived of them. Our children are not told that rape, torture and the murder of non-Muslims is condoned in the Quran and hadith.
American children are being dumbed down, purposefully confused by gender fluidity, and terrorized by climate change. Child suicide rates have reached the highest levels in two decades. What hope are our children offered?
Our public schools only teach one option: Islam.
Child Suicide
Child suicide attempts are associated with feelings of confusion.(2) Public schools began creating this confusion in 2011. In 2011, California passed a law requiring schools to teach LGBT history. Other states soon followed.
By 2017, public schools were required to teach transgenderism as part of K-12 public education program. “Gender fluidity” began to be forced on American children as young as five. By third grade, the program teaches students that gender roles vary. By middle school, lesson plans enforce the idea that there’s no such thing as 100 percent boys or 100 percent girls.(3)
Though science proves this wrong -- our children continue to be taught the lie.
American children are being terrorized by climate change. Like the one-sided, untrue version of Islam and gender identity, students are not given the facts about climate change, most importantly, the fact that climate change is not man-induced. Changes take place due to factors that have absolutely nothing to do with human activity.(4)
The biggest factor affecting climate is the sun. Studies have concluded that climate has always been changing and is in a constant state of flux. Human activity has zero impact on global temperatures.(4) While our children are taught that man-made carbon dioxide output is destroying the earth, NASA has shown that carbon dioxide is GREENING the Earth.(4)
Instead of giving our children the scientific facts, they are being terrorized into thinking they are doomed.
During the onset of puberty, which is a difficult and emotional period, our children are taught they are neither male nor female and can chose their sex. They are taught Climate Change will end the earth in ten years. Is it any wonder that child suicide has reached its highest level?
Child suicide attempts are associated with feelings of confusion.(2) Public schools began creating this confusion in 2011. In 2011, California passed a law requiring schools to teach LGBT history. Other states soon followed.
By 2017, public schools were required to teach transgenderism as part of K-12 public education program. “Gender fluidity” began to be forced on American children as young as five. By third grade, the program teaches students that gender roles vary. By middle school, lesson plans enforce the idea that there’s no such thing as 100 percent boys or 100 percent girls.(3)
Though science proves this wrong -- our children continue to be taught the lie.
American children are being terrorized by climate change. Like the one-sided, untrue version of Islam and gender identity, students are not given the facts about climate change, most importantly, the fact that climate change is not man-induced. Changes take place due to factors that have absolutely nothing to do with human activity.(4)
The biggest factor affecting climate is the sun. Studies have concluded that climate has always been changing and is in a constant state of flux. Human activity has zero impact on global temperatures.(4) While our children are taught that man-made carbon dioxide output is destroying the earth, NASA has shown that carbon dioxide is GREENING the Earth.(4)
Instead of giving our children the scientific facts, they are being terrorized into thinking they are doomed.
During the onset of puberty, which is a difficult and emotional period, our children are taught they are neither male nor female and can chose their sex. They are taught Climate Change will end the earth in ten years. Is it any wonder that child suicide has reached its highest level?
Buy Cheri Berens' book:
An American Woman Living in Egypt: Life during an Islamic takeover is available at Amazon
Introduction to Cheri's book
Jacket Back of Cheri's book
An American Woman Living in Egypt: Life during an Islamic takeover is available at Amazon
Introduction to Cheri's book
Jacket Back of Cheri's book
References and Sources
(1) www.meforum.org/campus-watch/25094/education-jihad-promoting-islam-in-american
(2) https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/suicide-among-teens-and-young-adults-reaches-highest-level-since-2000
(3) https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/articles/2019-08-14/states-that-require-schools-to-teach-lgbt-history
(4) https://climatesciencenews.com/
(5) www.hrc.org/blog/new-study-reveals-shocking-rates-of-attempted-suicide-among-trans-adolescen
(6) https://clarionproject.org/pro-islam-indoctrination-public-schools/
Berens, Cheri. An American Woman Living in Egypt. Pgs. 231-232. MASR Academic Press: 2018.
Thomas More Law Center. Islamic propaganda campaign aimed at teachers. https://www.thomasmore.org/news/thomas-more-law-center-uncovers-taxpayer-funded-islamic-propaganda-forced-on-teachers-a-special-investigative-report/
UTT 2019. U.S. public schools promote Islam. https://www.understandingthethreat.com/u-s-public-schools-promote-islam/
Below: Three video reports on the Federally-funded program "Access Islam."
(1) www.meforum.org/campus-watch/25094/education-jihad-promoting-islam-in-american
(2) https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/suicide-among-teens-and-young-adults-reaches-highest-level-since-2000
(3) https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/articles/2019-08-14/states-that-require-schools-to-teach-lgbt-history
(4) https://climatesciencenews.com/
(5) www.hrc.org/blog/new-study-reveals-shocking-rates-of-attempted-suicide-among-trans-adolescen
(6) https://clarionproject.org/pro-islam-indoctrination-public-schools/
Berens, Cheri. An American Woman Living in Egypt. Pgs. 231-232. MASR Academic Press: 2018.
Thomas More Law Center. Islamic propaganda campaign aimed at teachers. https://www.thomasmore.org/news/thomas-more-law-center-uncovers-taxpayer-funded-islamic-propaganda-forced-on-teachers-a-special-investigative-report/
UTT 2019. U.S. public schools promote Islam. https://www.understandingthethreat.com/u-s-public-schools-promote-islam/
Below: Three video reports on the Federally-funded program "Access Islam."
* Mecca and Islamic History is a lie http://www.cheriberens.net/mecca-and-islamic-history-is-a-lie.html
* No need for prayer rooms at schools and workplaces: Muslims are allowed to miss prayers http://www.cheriberens.net/no-need-for-prayer-rooms-at-schools-or-worplace-muslims-are-allowed-to-miss-prayers.html
* The Quran was originally a Christian liturgical book altered to suit Islam over time http://www.cheriberens.net/the-quran-was-originally-a-christian-liturgical-book-altered-to-suit-islam-over-time.html
* Inside the Quran: Hatred and Violence http://www.cheriberens.net/inside-the-quran-hatred-and-violence.html
* Islamic "Sunday Schools" in America are radicalization centers http://www.cheriberens.net/islamic-sunday-schools-in-america-are-radicalization-centers.html
* Most Muslims throughout the world cannot read the Quran, see: Islam relies on the ignorance of those who submit. Muslims go to mosque to learn about the Quran and Islam. But studies prove that Jihad is taught in the majority of American mosques and that mosques are where jihadi are trained and where jihad is launched.
* Mecca and Islamic History is a lie http://www.cheriberens.net/mecca-and-islamic-history-is-a-lie.html
* No need for prayer rooms at schools and workplaces: Muslims are allowed to miss prayers http://www.cheriberens.net/no-need-for-prayer-rooms-at-schools-or-worplace-muslims-are-allowed-to-miss-prayers.html
* The Quran was originally a Christian liturgical book altered to suit Islam over time http://www.cheriberens.net/the-quran-was-originally-a-christian-liturgical-book-altered-to-suit-islam-over-time.html
* Inside the Quran: Hatred and Violence http://www.cheriberens.net/inside-the-quran-hatred-and-violence.html
* Islamic "Sunday Schools" in America are radicalization centers http://www.cheriberens.net/islamic-sunday-schools-in-america-are-radicalization-centers.html
* Most Muslims throughout the world cannot read the Quran, see: Islam relies on the ignorance of those who submit. Muslims go to mosque to learn about the Quran and Islam. But studies prove that Jihad is taught in the majority of American mosques and that mosques are where jihadi are trained and where jihad is launched.