Ilhan Omar: Muslims are to begin enforcing their superiority over non-Muslims
On March 23, at a Muslim Brotherhood (CAIR) fundraiser, Ilhan Omar said in her speech, "...for far too long we have lived with the discomfort of being second class citizens..."
What did Omar mean?
First, you need to know a few facts about Islamic Doctrine. According to Islamic Doctrine on immigration, a Muslim community in a non-Muslim country must remain "separate and distinct." Muslims must form a separate body and keep their own Islamic Laws while working towards making the host country comply with Islamic laws.
The wearing of headscarves and other Islamic garb are used during this period of transition to assert the fact that Muslims are distinct from non-Muslims and that they are living in compliance with Islamic Laws.
Islamic Doctrine also states that Muslims are superior to non-Muslims and that non-Muslims must be treated as second class citizens.
Along with the daily Islamic prayers, which condemn Jews and Christians 15 times per day, Quran verses are used to reaffirm Muslim superiority over non-Muslims.
64% of the Quran is about non-Muslims and continuously makes a distinction between non-Muslims and Muslims -- pointing out the inferior status of non-Muslims.
The Quran contains over 100 verses that call Muslims to jihad with non-Muslims for the sake of Islamic rule.
Muslims are taught to despise the Western attitude of equality among people because the Quran and Islamic Doctrine teach that only Muslims have rights, and that non-Muslims must be deprived of them.
According to Islamic Doctrine, it is us, the non-Muslim, that must be treated as second class citizens.
What Ilhan Omar was saying in her speech to the Muslim Brotherhood and their supporters is that Muslims are to begin enforcing their superiority. The core doctrine in Islam is that Muslims are superior and must be treated as such. Omar is saying that Muslims have reached the turning point where they must begin demanding superior treatment as outlined in the Quran and Islamic Doctrine.
What did Omar mean?
First, you need to know a few facts about Islamic Doctrine. According to Islamic Doctrine on immigration, a Muslim community in a non-Muslim country must remain "separate and distinct." Muslims must form a separate body and keep their own Islamic Laws while working towards making the host country comply with Islamic laws.
The wearing of headscarves and other Islamic garb are used during this period of transition to assert the fact that Muslims are distinct from non-Muslims and that they are living in compliance with Islamic Laws.
Islamic Doctrine also states that Muslims are superior to non-Muslims and that non-Muslims must be treated as second class citizens.
Along with the daily Islamic prayers, which condemn Jews and Christians 15 times per day, Quran verses are used to reaffirm Muslim superiority over non-Muslims.
64% of the Quran is about non-Muslims and continuously makes a distinction between non-Muslims and Muslims -- pointing out the inferior status of non-Muslims.
The Quran contains over 100 verses that call Muslims to jihad with non-Muslims for the sake of Islamic rule.
Muslims are taught to despise the Western attitude of equality among people because the Quran and Islamic Doctrine teach that only Muslims have rights, and that non-Muslims must be deprived of them.
According to Islamic Doctrine, it is us, the non-Muslim, that must be treated as second class citizens.
What Ilhan Omar was saying in her speech to the Muslim Brotherhood and their supporters is that Muslims are to begin enforcing their superiority. The core doctrine in Islam is that Muslims are superior and must be treated as such. Omar is saying that Muslims have reached the turning point where they must begin demanding superior treatment as outlined in the Quran and Islamic Doctrine.
The prayer Muslims say 15 times every day is: "Keep us on the right path. The path of those whom You have favored (Muslims) and not of those whom You brought wrath down upon (the Jews), nor of those who went astray (the Christians)."
When Muslims are taught this prayer, they are told the Israelites broke the Covenant with Allah and were never forgiven. Muslims are taught that Allah forever cursed the Israelites and that Israelites will forever remain inferior to Muslims.
Muslims are taught that Christians went astray because they believe Jesus is the son of God. This is considered blasphemy.
Muslims are taught that Jews and Christians are to be condemned forever unless they submit to Islam (become a Muslim). If they don’t convert, they must be forced to a life of less than equal treatment -- they must be treated as second class citizens.
Since the Quran makes such a strong distinction between Muslims and non-Muslims (64% of the Quran makes this distinction), Muslims are taught that they must incorporate unequal standards of treatment towards non-Muslims in their daily lives.
A few examples from various chapters throughout the Quran are:
Chapter Three verse 28: Let not the believers (Muslims) take unbelievers (non-Muslims) for friends or helpers ... Guard yourselves from them.
Chapter Three verse 118: Do not take for intimate friends from others than your own people... vehement hatred has already appeared from out of their mouths, and what their breasts conceal is greater still.
Chapter Four verse 89: They (non-Muslims) want you to reject Faith (Islam)... Seize them and slay them wherever you find them and take no friends or helpers from them.
Chapter Four verse 95: Not equal are those believers who sit and receive no injury (who do not fight for Islam). Only to those who strive and fight in the cause of Allah with their goods (money, influence, power) and their persons.*
*In this verse Allah granted a grade higher to those who fight with their goods and body than those who sit back and do not fight. Allah gives a special reward to those who fight for Islam. The entirety of this passage clearly states that those who remain "peaceful" and who do not join the fight for Islam are less worthy of a reward after death.
Chapter Four verse 101: The unbelievers (non-Muslims) are your open enemies…
Chapter Four verse 144: Do not take for friends the unbelievers (non-Muslims).
Regarding Christians, Chapter Five verse 13-15 states: We estranged them and made them enemies...
Chapter Five verse 32: Allah told the people of Israel if you kill one Muslim, unless for corruption of the land, it is as if you killed the entire Muslim community. If you save one Muslim life, the whole Muslim community is saved. Our messengers came to the Israelites with clear messages and signs of Allah’s supremacy, but many Israelites continued to commit mischief and corruption on the land. The punishment for those who wage war against Allah or Muhammad, or who strive for mischief or corruption, is Beheading or Crucifixion or the cutting off the right hand and the left foot.*
*Jews are being warned that if they kill a Muslim, it is a crime of such magnitude that it is the same as if they killed the entire Muslim community (or a village). A Jew is not allowed to kill a Muslim -- it is a crime of great magnitude.
According to Islamic Doctrine, “mischief” or “corruption” of the land is when someone disobeys Islamic Laws. The only time a Muslim can be "lawfully" killed is for apostasy or when a Muslim kills another Muslim.
A non-Muslim is not allowed to kill a Muslim under any circumstances. But if a Muslim kills a Jew or a Christian (or any non-Muslim), it is not considered unlawful, so there is no punishment.
Corruption on the land, sometimes translated as "mischief on earth" or "mischief on the land", includes criticizing or questioning Islam; calling for a change in Islamic traditions; prejudice against Muslims; jokes about Islam or Muhammad; an attempt to undermine the goals of Islam; or, an attempt to undermine the interests of Muslims.
Chapter Five verse 51: You who believe (Muslims), take not the Jews and the Christians for friends.
Chapter Five verse 63: Shall I point out to you something much worse, the treatment the Israelites received from Allah? Those who incurred the curse of Allah and His wrath... He transformed into apes and swine …(This is repeated in verses 2:65 and 7:166)
Chapter Five verse 83: You see many [Muslims] making friendship with the unbelievers (non-Muslims). Evil indeed are the works which their soul has sent forward before them with the result that Allah’s wrath is on them.
Chapter Eight verse 39: And fight them until there is no more fitna (unbelief/non-submission).*
*Muslims must fight until there are none left who are non-Muslim.
Chapter Eight verse 55: Surely the vilest of animals in Allah's sight are those who disbelieve (non-Muslims).
Chapter Nine verse 14-17: Punish infidels with your hands (kill, hurt). Cover them with shame (rape, sodomize). To do so will help you achieve victory over them.
Chapter Nine verse 23: Those of you who take them for friends, are wrong-doers.
Chapter Nine verse 29: Fight those who do not believe in Allah... those who do not acknowledge the religion of Truth (Islam), even if they are of the People of the Book (Christians and Jews), until they pay the Jizya in acknowledgement of [Muslim] superiority and are in a state of subjection.
Chapter Nine verse 123: Fight the Unbelievers who are around you.
Chapter Twenty-Five verse 52: Listen not to the unbelievers, but strive against them with the utmost strenuousness.
When Muslims are taught this prayer, they are told the Israelites broke the Covenant with Allah and were never forgiven. Muslims are taught that Allah forever cursed the Israelites and that Israelites will forever remain inferior to Muslims.
Muslims are taught that Christians went astray because they believe Jesus is the son of God. This is considered blasphemy.
Muslims are taught that Jews and Christians are to be condemned forever unless they submit to Islam (become a Muslim). If they don’t convert, they must be forced to a life of less than equal treatment -- they must be treated as second class citizens.
Since the Quran makes such a strong distinction between Muslims and non-Muslims (64% of the Quran makes this distinction), Muslims are taught that they must incorporate unequal standards of treatment towards non-Muslims in their daily lives.
A few examples from various chapters throughout the Quran are:
Chapter Three verse 28: Let not the believers (Muslims) take unbelievers (non-Muslims) for friends or helpers ... Guard yourselves from them.
Chapter Three verse 118: Do not take for intimate friends from others than your own people... vehement hatred has already appeared from out of their mouths, and what their breasts conceal is greater still.
Chapter Four verse 89: They (non-Muslims) want you to reject Faith (Islam)... Seize them and slay them wherever you find them and take no friends or helpers from them.
Chapter Four verse 95: Not equal are those believers who sit and receive no injury (who do not fight for Islam). Only to those who strive and fight in the cause of Allah with their goods (money, influence, power) and their persons.*
*In this verse Allah granted a grade higher to those who fight with their goods and body than those who sit back and do not fight. Allah gives a special reward to those who fight for Islam. The entirety of this passage clearly states that those who remain "peaceful" and who do not join the fight for Islam are less worthy of a reward after death.
Chapter Four verse 101: The unbelievers (non-Muslims) are your open enemies…
Chapter Four verse 144: Do not take for friends the unbelievers (non-Muslims).
Regarding Christians, Chapter Five verse 13-15 states: We estranged them and made them enemies...
Chapter Five verse 32: Allah told the people of Israel if you kill one Muslim, unless for corruption of the land, it is as if you killed the entire Muslim community. If you save one Muslim life, the whole Muslim community is saved. Our messengers came to the Israelites with clear messages and signs of Allah’s supremacy, but many Israelites continued to commit mischief and corruption on the land. The punishment for those who wage war against Allah or Muhammad, or who strive for mischief or corruption, is Beheading or Crucifixion or the cutting off the right hand and the left foot.*
*Jews are being warned that if they kill a Muslim, it is a crime of such magnitude that it is the same as if they killed the entire Muslim community (or a village). A Jew is not allowed to kill a Muslim -- it is a crime of great magnitude.
According to Islamic Doctrine, “mischief” or “corruption” of the land is when someone disobeys Islamic Laws. The only time a Muslim can be "lawfully" killed is for apostasy or when a Muslim kills another Muslim.
A non-Muslim is not allowed to kill a Muslim under any circumstances. But if a Muslim kills a Jew or a Christian (or any non-Muslim), it is not considered unlawful, so there is no punishment.
Corruption on the land, sometimes translated as "mischief on earth" or "mischief on the land", includes criticizing or questioning Islam; calling for a change in Islamic traditions; prejudice against Muslims; jokes about Islam or Muhammad; an attempt to undermine the goals of Islam; or, an attempt to undermine the interests of Muslims.
Chapter Five verse 51: You who believe (Muslims), take not the Jews and the Christians for friends.
Chapter Five verse 63: Shall I point out to you something much worse, the treatment the Israelites received from Allah? Those who incurred the curse of Allah and His wrath... He transformed into apes and swine …(This is repeated in verses 2:65 and 7:166)
Chapter Five verse 83: You see many [Muslims] making friendship with the unbelievers (non-Muslims). Evil indeed are the works which their soul has sent forward before them with the result that Allah’s wrath is on them.
Chapter Eight verse 39: And fight them until there is no more fitna (unbelief/non-submission).*
*Muslims must fight until there are none left who are non-Muslim.
Chapter Eight verse 55: Surely the vilest of animals in Allah's sight are those who disbelieve (non-Muslims).
Chapter Nine verse 14-17: Punish infidels with your hands (kill, hurt). Cover them with shame (rape, sodomize). To do so will help you achieve victory over them.
Chapter Nine verse 23: Those of you who take them for friends, are wrong-doers.
Chapter Nine verse 29: Fight those who do not believe in Allah... those who do not acknowledge the religion of Truth (Islam), even if they are of the People of the Book (Christians and Jews), until they pay the Jizya in acknowledgement of [Muslim] superiority and are in a state of subjection.
Chapter Nine verse 123: Fight the Unbelievers who are around you.
Chapter Twenty-Five verse 52: Listen not to the unbelievers, but strive against them with the utmost strenuousness.
Chapter Ninety-Eight verse 6: Those who reject Truth (Islam) … They are the worst of creatures.
Chapter Fifty-Eight verse 14-17: Avoid those who turn to you in friendship (Christians or Jews who try to befriend you). To do such will have the wrath of Allah. Non-Muslims are destined for eternal torture in Hell. There are over 400 verses that describe the torment that Allah has prepared for non-Muslims. Ilhan Omar is tired of not being able to declare superiority over non-Muslims in America. She says, "Raise hell. Make people uncomfortable. For far too long we have lived with the discomfort of being second class citizens..." For more examples of hatred in the Quran, see Hatred and Violence in the Quran. |