The Majority of Syrian "Refugees" are not Syrian
In 2016-2017, Western media showed you video of "refugees" waiting at the border crossings at the Syrian-Turkish border. They were always Muslims. Why weren't mobs of Christians ever waiting at the border crossings?
For several months in 2016, the Syrian Army liberated Christian towns from Islamist groups such as ISIS, al-Qaeda and Jaish al-Fateh. The Christians in these towns had been going through hell. Their churches were used for beheadings, crucifixions, torture, and even drownings, in which the terrorists submerged the Christian's heads in buckets of water. Boiling oil was also thrown on Christians to cause them weeks of suffering before dying from infections caused by the burns.
The towns where these atrocities occurred are near the border crossings. So why wasn't there an exodus of Christians at the Turkish border?
Because the terrorists controlled the border crossing.
For several months in 2016, the Syrian Army liberated Christian towns from Islamist groups such as ISIS, al-Qaeda and Jaish al-Fateh. The Christians in these towns had been going through hell. Their churches were used for beheadings, crucifixions, torture, and even drownings, in which the terrorists submerged the Christian's heads in buckets of water. Boiling oil was also thrown on Christians to cause them weeks of suffering before dying from infections caused by the burns.
The towns where these atrocities occurred are near the border crossings. So why wasn't there an exodus of Christians at the Turkish border?
Because the terrorists controlled the border crossing.
Starting in 2012, Turkey’s President Erdogan and Saudi Arabian prince Muhammad bin Salman al-Saud joined forces in backing foreign Islamic groups trying to overthrow the Syrian government in order to create an Islamic Law state.
In 2015, Saudi Arabia and Turkey created a coalition army named Jaish al-Fateh. Both Turkey and Saudi Arabia funded and armed Jaish al-Fateh and they supplied the army with foreign Islamist mercenaries who come from many different countries. These mercenary fighters were funneled into Syria via Turkey.
The U.S. also participated in the funding, arming and training of these Islamist fighters (see: U.S. involvement)
Turkey and Saudi Arabia's coalition army, Jaish al-Fateh, and ISIS, controlled the five main border crossings into Turkey during the period when massive waves of alleged "refugees" crossed into Turkey.
Terrorists controlled the border crossings.
This is why no Christians were allowed out. Only Islamist mercenary fighters and their families were allowed out.
Jihadists of various nationalities were passed off as Syrian "refugees".
In 2015, Saudi Arabia and Turkey created a coalition army named Jaish al-Fateh. Both Turkey and Saudi Arabia funded and armed Jaish al-Fateh and they supplied the army with foreign Islamist mercenaries who come from many different countries. These mercenary fighters were funneled into Syria via Turkey.
The U.S. also participated in the funding, arming and training of these Islamist fighters (see: U.S. involvement)
Turkey and Saudi Arabia's coalition army, Jaish al-Fateh, and ISIS, controlled the five main border crossings into Turkey during the period when massive waves of alleged "refugees" crossed into Turkey.
Terrorists controlled the border crossings.
This is why no Christians were allowed out. Only Islamist mercenary fighters and their families were allowed out.
Jihadists of various nationalities were passed off as Syrian "refugees".
Aleppo’s Bab al-Salam border crossing was controlled by Jaish al-Fateh. Four other border crossings were fully controlled by ISIS. Where exactly did these various “refugees” go when they were allowed out of Syria? More than two million Muslims go to Hajj each year. It’s a well-coordinated “travel event” that takes much planning and coordination several months in advance. Ferry boats and other ships, normally used for Hajj, were used to transport the first massive waves of “refugees” to Greece from Turkey and then to parts of mainland Europe. |
These “refugees” were then shuffled onto trains and buses, which were also well organized and waiting for the 'refugees', and which took the “refugees” to Germany, France and elsewhere into Europe.
It was a well-organized event, quick and quite thorough in its placement of many thousands of alleged "Syrian refugees" into various European countries. It was a Hajj-like invasion that consisted primarily of fighting age male Muslims--the majority of whom purposefully had no passports or ID of any kind.
ISIS has many training camps. They even have several specialized training camps for women and children. In every ISIS training camp, all fighters, including the women and children, are taught suicide bombings. Why? Because suicide bombings kill the most people. An estimated 100,000 foreign Islamists from 80 different countries went to Syria in 2015 to train and fight for Islamic takeover. It has been estimated that 10% of these were women.
The five border crossings were controlled by ISIS and Jaish al-Fateh. The terrorists did not let out "real" refugees. No, they let out Islamic fighters who then jumped on the Hajj ships that left for Europe from Turkey.
It was a well-organized event, quick and quite thorough in its placement of many thousands of alleged "Syrian refugees" into various European countries. It was a Hajj-like invasion that consisted primarily of fighting age male Muslims--the majority of whom purposefully had no passports or ID of any kind.
ISIS has many training camps. They even have several specialized training camps for women and children. In every ISIS training camp, all fighters, including the women and children, are taught suicide bombings. Why? Because suicide bombings kill the most people. An estimated 100,000 foreign Islamists from 80 different countries went to Syria in 2015 to train and fight for Islamic takeover. It has been estimated that 10% of these were women.
The five border crossings were controlled by ISIS and Jaish al-Fateh. The terrorists did not let out "real" refugees. No, they let out Islamic fighters who then jumped on the Hajj ships that left for Europe from Turkey.