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this is happening throughout america
Photos: Muslims block a sidewalk in Brooklyn, New York. Muslims block an entire street in Los Angeles. They pray in the streets for a reason folks. And it’s a bad sign of things to come. If any other group blocked the sidewalks and blocked businesses like this, the police would never allow it. So why do Muslims have more rights than us? And: Why are Muslims praying in the street when Brooklyn has 98 mosques? And some of the mosques in Brooklyn are “Mega Mosques” which hold many thousands of Muslims? Added to this number of “officially” listed mosques, there are many more “prayer spaces” throughout Brooklyn, several on every block. Why do they pray in the streets and sidewalks? |
Muslims purposefully pray in the streets and public areas to make their presence felt and to show their superiority. They block traffic, they block parking, and they block pedestrian walkways.
And no matter how many mosques are built, they will continue to do this. This is how they take over entire neighborhoods, and then large blocks of cities. This is how “No Go” zones were formed in Europe. It is a well-designed system and it is based on the Islamic Doctrine on Immigration.
Muhammad outlined the rules for Muslims who immigrate. Muslims must form a separate body and keep their own laws and eventually make the host country comply with Islamic Laws.
Muhammad forbade Muslims to immigrate to a non-Muslim country if they are doing it to pursue their own personal gain. When Muslims immigrate they must do it with the ultimate goal of spreading Islam and making Islam victorious. Then, according to Muhammad, they are allowed pleasure and personal gain.
Muslim immigration is considered to be a transitional period of preparation for changing the native society from an open society to an Islamic society.
My firsthand experiences with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Libya and Syria have taught me many things. One repeated lesson learned was the deviousness in which the Muslim Brotherhood gained access to every part of society and government -- slowly, over time -- almost unnoticed.
My husband and I had noticed the constant building of new mosques in Cairo—even though new ones were unnecessary. The existing mosques were predominantly empty at prayer times and on Fridays (Muslim holy day). There was no need for new mosques, yet they were being built.
Then the Muslim Brotherhood began busing in men from the countryside. These men were paid to come into Cairo and make their presence felt.
Did these men go inside the new mosques to pray? No, the new mosques remained empty and these men prayed in the streets and blocked businesses so that people could not shop or do errands during “prayer times.”
Friday is my husband’s only day off, so for many years Fridays were the day we did all our shopping and business. But over time, shopkeepers were so intimidated (and often physically threatened) by these large numbers of men who were bused into Cairo, that shopkeepers closed their shops during prayer times to avoid confrontation.
Then the buses began to arrive earlier. The men would block businesses and threaten any shopkeeper who tried to open their shop at the normal morning hour. You see, at first, shopkeepers only began to close during “prayer time” to avoid conflict. But as the buses began to arrive earlier and earlier, shopkeepers could no longer open in the morning.
Shopkeepers throughout Cairo began closing their shops on Fridays and during the week at prayer times. This happened slowly, this closing of shops—so many people didn’t notice—until it was too late to do anything about it.
Over time, this invasion of men, all wearing the Islamic garb (something the average Egyptian never wore), became larger and larger. It was like an Islamic army, there were so many buses and so many of these men filtering into the streets. If you were not sitting in the street waiting for the call to prayer, you were attacked.
It got to the point where we never left our apartment on Fridays until after 1:30 (after the “noon” prayer), because if we tried to walk about in the streets we’d get harassed. We’d wait until the busloads of men began to depart back to the countryside, when it was safe to go out.
So you can understand why I am alarmed at seeing men praying in the streets of America. But there's more. If it has reached the point that Muslims are blocking businesses and not using mosques, it means much more.
I have many Egyptian nieces and nephews. I’ve watched them grow up and go through various levels of education. Twenty years ago, few girls wore a headscarf, and it was extremely rare to see a veiled woman in Cairo. Over the years, my nieces began wearing headscarves at school. If they didn’t wear one, they were viciously harassed, groped, and some times, punched.
The Muslim Brotherhood had slowly gained positions in our children’s schools and universities and they were pushing religion more than other curriculum. Not only were they "dumbing down" our youth by depriving them of a solid base of history, math, science and English, they were slowly integrating Islam into the various courses (ex: ancient Egyptian history was removed and replaced with Islamic history; English was removed and replaced with Quranic Arabic).
The Muslim Brotherhood infiltrated slowly and sneakily. By the time the January 2011 Arab Spring came, the Muslim Brotherhood were well placed throughout society. They even had control of the media—most especially the western media who were posted inside Egypt.
Westerners did not receive the truth about what took place in Tahrir Square in January of 2011. That protest was not about freedom, democracy or human rights--that was a sham front purposefully done to fool the West. The Muslim Brotherhood bused in men from the countryside and brought in their Muslim Brotherhood Youth—who are incredibly well trained activists. Those were the people you saw on TV.
Within three days the Muslim Brotherhood began their violence.
We experienced a hell like you wouldn’t believe. Within days, hands were being chopped off for buying a bottle of wine. Engaged couples seen in “public” were murdered on the street (it is custom here for engaged couples to take walks together to get to know each other—so these attacks were unconscionable--it has been a tradition for centuries).
There was an epidemic of wives being falsely accused of adultery with no witnesses, and executed on the spot.
Attacks on women and rape went up 1000% -- to force them to wear the veil.
Muslim Brotherhood preachers went on TV announcing that any unveiled woman must be raped.
I could go on, but I think you understand why I am horrified at the sight of Muslims praying in the streets of American cities. It is a sign of what’s to come. It may not happen exactly as it did in Egypt, but the signs are there that prove to me your schools and universities have been changed. That mosques are being built when there is no need for new ones.
Islamic Centers, where Muslim children are taught Islamic Law, can be found throughout America. Why are American Muslims teaching their children Islamic Law?
Because American Muslims are already living by Islamic Laws and want future generations to enforce Islamic Law.
Sure, they follow the traffic rules and basic laws so that they go unnoticed, but there are Shura Councils throughout America. Shura Councils are like courtrooms, except these courtrooms do not follow American law or democracy. Muslims are already living by Islamic Law in America.
Whether your state has outlawed foreign laws or not—Muslims are living by Islamic Law and teaching their children to live by Islamic Law. And those children are growing up thinking they must inflict it on you.
Remember the Islamic Doctrine on Immigration: When Muslims immigrate they must do it with the ultimate goal of spreading Islam and making Islam victorious. Muslim immigration is considered to be a transitional period of preparation for changing the native society from an open society to an Islamic society.
In a 2007 report conducted by the New York Police Department entitled, “Radicalization in the West” the NYPD identified the implementation of Islamic Law and the establishment of a Global Islamic State (Caliphate) as the driving ideology behind jihadists in America. The report also stated that: “Regular attendance at a Salafi mosque is a key indicator of ‘radicalization’ of Muslims”.
The report stated that Salafists follow Sharia (Islamic Law) and that there is no disagreement in the Sharia on its definition and obligation of jihad. Jihad is obligatory for all Muslims.
The NYPD report also identified “signatures” of “Sharia Adherence”. Some of these signatures are wearing traditional Islamic clothing (robe-like attire), growing a beard for men; and for women, it's wearing the veil or headscarf.
In another research study, it was found that 97% of jihadis adhere to Islamic Law. This adherence is measured in observable behavior including the wearing of Islamic garb, head scarf, and growing an Islamic beard (Sageman, Marc. Understanding Terror Networks. Foreign Policy Research Institute: November 1, 2004).
If you see an increase in 'signatures' identifying Sharia adherence, you will eventually see an increase in violence.
Sunna Beards: short or trimmed mustaches but the beards unkempt.
Henna Beards: Muslim men who dye their beards red are identifying themselves with the Muhammad who is believed to have had a reddish beard.
Hijabs, Veils, Burkas: The greater degree to which an Islamic woman covers herself is indicative of the level of her Sharia adherence.
And no matter how many mosques are built, they will continue to do this. This is how they take over entire neighborhoods, and then large blocks of cities. This is how “No Go” zones were formed in Europe. It is a well-designed system and it is based on the Islamic Doctrine on Immigration.
Muhammad outlined the rules for Muslims who immigrate. Muslims must form a separate body and keep their own laws and eventually make the host country comply with Islamic Laws.
Muhammad forbade Muslims to immigrate to a non-Muslim country if they are doing it to pursue their own personal gain. When Muslims immigrate they must do it with the ultimate goal of spreading Islam and making Islam victorious. Then, according to Muhammad, they are allowed pleasure and personal gain.
Muslim immigration is considered to be a transitional period of preparation for changing the native society from an open society to an Islamic society.
My firsthand experiences with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Libya and Syria have taught me many things. One repeated lesson learned was the deviousness in which the Muslim Brotherhood gained access to every part of society and government -- slowly, over time -- almost unnoticed.
My husband and I had noticed the constant building of new mosques in Cairo—even though new ones were unnecessary. The existing mosques were predominantly empty at prayer times and on Fridays (Muslim holy day). There was no need for new mosques, yet they were being built.
Then the Muslim Brotherhood began busing in men from the countryside. These men were paid to come into Cairo and make their presence felt.
Did these men go inside the new mosques to pray? No, the new mosques remained empty and these men prayed in the streets and blocked businesses so that people could not shop or do errands during “prayer times.”
Friday is my husband’s only day off, so for many years Fridays were the day we did all our shopping and business. But over time, shopkeepers were so intimidated (and often physically threatened) by these large numbers of men who were bused into Cairo, that shopkeepers closed their shops during prayer times to avoid confrontation.
Then the buses began to arrive earlier. The men would block businesses and threaten any shopkeeper who tried to open their shop at the normal morning hour. You see, at first, shopkeepers only began to close during “prayer time” to avoid conflict. But as the buses began to arrive earlier and earlier, shopkeepers could no longer open in the morning.
Shopkeepers throughout Cairo began closing their shops on Fridays and during the week at prayer times. This happened slowly, this closing of shops—so many people didn’t notice—until it was too late to do anything about it.
Over time, this invasion of men, all wearing the Islamic garb (something the average Egyptian never wore), became larger and larger. It was like an Islamic army, there were so many buses and so many of these men filtering into the streets. If you were not sitting in the street waiting for the call to prayer, you were attacked.
It got to the point where we never left our apartment on Fridays until after 1:30 (after the “noon” prayer), because if we tried to walk about in the streets we’d get harassed. We’d wait until the busloads of men began to depart back to the countryside, when it was safe to go out.
So you can understand why I am alarmed at seeing men praying in the streets of America. But there's more. If it has reached the point that Muslims are blocking businesses and not using mosques, it means much more.
I have many Egyptian nieces and nephews. I’ve watched them grow up and go through various levels of education. Twenty years ago, few girls wore a headscarf, and it was extremely rare to see a veiled woman in Cairo. Over the years, my nieces began wearing headscarves at school. If they didn’t wear one, they were viciously harassed, groped, and some times, punched.
The Muslim Brotherhood had slowly gained positions in our children’s schools and universities and they were pushing religion more than other curriculum. Not only were they "dumbing down" our youth by depriving them of a solid base of history, math, science and English, they were slowly integrating Islam into the various courses (ex: ancient Egyptian history was removed and replaced with Islamic history; English was removed and replaced with Quranic Arabic).
The Muslim Brotherhood infiltrated slowly and sneakily. By the time the January 2011 Arab Spring came, the Muslim Brotherhood were well placed throughout society. They even had control of the media—most especially the western media who were posted inside Egypt.
Westerners did not receive the truth about what took place in Tahrir Square in January of 2011. That protest was not about freedom, democracy or human rights--that was a sham front purposefully done to fool the West. The Muslim Brotherhood bused in men from the countryside and brought in their Muslim Brotherhood Youth—who are incredibly well trained activists. Those were the people you saw on TV.
Within three days the Muslim Brotherhood began their violence.
We experienced a hell like you wouldn’t believe. Within days, hands were being chopped off for buying a bottle of wine. Engaged couples seen in “public” were murdered on the street (it is custom here for engaged couples to take walks together to get to know each other—so these attacks were unconscionable--it has been a tradition for centuries).
There was an epidemic of wives being falsely accused of adultery with no witnesses, and executed on the spot.
Attacks on women and rape went up 1000% -- to force them to wear the veil.
Muslim Brotherhood preachers went on TV announcing that any unveiled woman must be raped.
I could go on, but I think you understand why I am horrified at the sight of Muslims praying in the streets of American cities. It is a sign of what’s to come. It may not happen exactly as it did in Egypt, but the signs are there that prove to me your schools and universities have been changed. That mosques are being built when there is no need for new ones.
Islamic Centers, where Muslim children are taught Islamic Law, can be found throughout America. Why are American Muslims teaching their children Islamic Law?
Because American Muslims are already living by Islamic Laws and want future generations to enforce Islamic Law.
Sure, they follow the traffic rules and basic laws so that they go unnoticed, but there are Shura Councils throughout America. Shura Councils are like courtrooms, except these courtrooms do not follow American law or democracy. Muslims are already living by Islamic Law in America.
Whether your state has outlawed foreign laws or not—Muslims are living by Islamic Law and teaching their children to live by Islamic Law. And those children are growing up thinking they must inflict it on you.
Remember the Islamic Doctrine on Immigration: When Muslims immigrate they must do it with the ultimate goal of spreading Islam and making Islam victorious. Muslim immigration is considered to be a transitional period of preparation for changing the native society from an open society to an Islamic society.
In a 2007 report conducted by the New York Police Department entitled, “Radicalization in the West” the NYPD identified the implementation of Islamic Law and the establishment of a Global Islamic State (Caliphate) as the driving ideology behind jihadists in America. The report also stated that: “Regular attendance at a Salafi mosque is a key indicator of ‘radicalization’ of Muslims”.
The report stated that Salafists follow Sharia (Islamic Law) and that there is no disagreement in the Sharia on its definition and obligation of jihad. Jihad is obligatory for all Muslims.
The NYPD report also identified “signatures” of “Sharia Adherence”. Some of these signatures are wearing traditional Islamic clothing (robe-like attire), growing a beard for men; and for women, it's wearing the veil or headscarf.
In another research study, it was found that 97% of jihadis adhere to Islamic Law. This adherence is measured in observable behavior including the wearing of Islamic garb, head scarf, and growing an Islamic beard (Sageman, Marc. Understanding Terror Networks. Foreign Policy Research Institute: November 1, 2004).
If you see an increase in 'signatures' identifying Sharia adherence, you will eventually see an increase in violence.
Sunna Beards: short or trimmed mustaches but the beards unkempt.
Henna Beards: Muslim men who dye their beards red are identifying themselves with the Muhammad who is believed to have had a reddish beard.
Hijabs, Veils, Burkas: The greater degree to which an Islamic woman covers herself is indicative of the level of her Sharia adherence.
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Read the INTRODUCTION to Cheri's book
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