"We will not rest from our jihad until we destroy the filthy house called the White House. You will witness the end of the lie called Western Civilization." -- Islamic State
Where did many hundreds of thousands of jihadists go when they left Syria and Iraq?
Photo: The cover of an issue of the Islamic State's magazine: A black flag on top of the obelisk at the center of St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican in Rome.
The flag says: “There is no god but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah." We think of this flag as the Islamic State's flag, or the ISIS flag, but the words on this flag are the declaration of faith used across Islam -- all Muslims around the world use these words daily. It is the Muslim declaration of faith and the statement of their supremacy over all non-Muslims. This flag and its words are not a symbol of extremism. On the contrary, this flag represents the heart and core of Islam. The Saudi Arabian national flag also consists of these exact same words, with the addition of a sword--which demonstrates how Islam conquers--via violent takeover. Flags waved by other Muslim groups who live by the laws of the Quran and Muhammad also include the same words, and often include a sword. |
ISIS has not been eliminated, the bulk of the jihadists simply left Syria and Iraq and went home. So where is home?
In 2015 alone, at least 300,000 Islamists from more than 80 different countries joined the fight for a Caliphate in Syria and Iraq.(1)(2)
Recruitment continued to grow right up until recently, when the Islamic armies fighting for the implementation of shariah and a caliphate in Syria and Iraq were finally pushed out. But the bulk of these fighters were not killed, they left. Most left through Turkey.(3)
These Muslim fighters from more than 80 different countries came from the Middle East and Africa, but they also came from Europe, America, Canada and Australia.(1)(2)
In 2015 alone, at least 300,000 Islamists from more than 80 different countries joined the fight for a Caliphate in Syria and Iraq.(1)(2)
Recruitment continued to grow right up until recently, when the Islamic armies fighting for the implementation of shariah and a caliphate in Syria and Iraq were finally pushed out. But the bulk of these fighters were not killed, they left. Most left through Turkey.(3)
These Muslim fighters from more than 80 different countries came from the Middle East and Africa, but they also came from Europe, America, Canada and Australia.(1)(2)
The Islamic State published two recruitment magazines, Dabiq (a city in Syria) and Rumiyah (Rome). Dabiq is no longer being published, but Rumiyah (Rome) continues.
Taking Rome is a primary goal of Islamists.
And if you follow the activities of the current Pope, Rome appears to be falling.
Dabiq issue #4 states:
"The Islamic State will remain until its banner flies over Rome."
"We will not rest from our jihad until we are under the olive trees of Rome...
after we destroy the filthy house called the White House."
"You will pay the price as you walk on your streets, turning right and left, fearing the Muslims."
Taking Rome is a primary goal of Islamists.
And if you follow the activities of the current Pope, Rome appears to be falling.
Dabiq issue #4 states:
"The Islamic State will remain until its banner flies over Rome."
"We will not rest from our jihad until we are under the olive trees of Rome...
after we destroy the filthy house called the White House."
"You will pay the price as you walk on your streets, turning right and left, fearing the Muslims."
An Islamic State spokesperson once said: “We want Paris before Rome ... Muslims shall return to ruling everywhere ... All Muslims, we are calling on you to mobilize for jihad. We incite you and call upon you to immigrate for jihad. (4)
The Islamic State had control over the Turkish border with Syria and the people who were allowed to cross over into Turkey as "refugees" were Islamic State fighters.(3) Many thousands of these "refugees" have made their way to Western countries.
The Islamic State also heavily recruited in African countries. Many thousands of young, male jihadists left Africa as "migrants" and went to Europe to continue the jihad. Ships leave regularly from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya.
The Islamic State also heavily recruited in African countries. Many thousands of young, male jihadists left Africa as "migrants" and went to Europe to continue the jihad. Ships leave regularly from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya.
Issue #4 also states: All Westerners are “offspring of the cradle of Christianity” and therefore Rome is the target.
Muslims throughout the world are told to attack Westerners "wherever they can be found."
"...It is very important that attacks take place in every country ... especially the US, UK, France, Australia and Germany. Every Muslim should get out of his house, find a crusader and kill him."
"Today we witness the end of the lie called western civilization and the rise of the Islamic giant."
"We will conquer your Rome, break your crosses, and enslave your women. This is Allah’s promise to us. If we do not reach that time right now, then our children and grandchildren will reach it, and they will sell your sons as slaves at the slave market."
"O America, O allies of America, and O crusaders, know that the matter is more dangerous than you have imagined and greater than you have envisioned. We have warned you that today we are in a new era, an era where the Islamic State, its soldiers, and its sons are leaders. They are a people who through the ages have not known defeat. Allah has declared it. And being killed is a victory. This is where the secret lies. You fight a people who can never be defeated."
"O Americans, and O Europeans. You will pay the price when your sons are sent to wage war against us, and they return to you as disabled amputees, or inside coffins, or mentally ill. You will pay the price as you are afraid of traveling to any land."
"We will strike you in your homeland."
To Muslims: "If you can kill a disbelieving American or European ... kill them in any manner or way however it may be. Kill the disbeliever (non-Muslim)."
"History repeats itself by Allah’s divine decree. The bulk of all jihad was against the cross-worshipping Romans ... The Muslims will be at war with the Roman Christians. Rome refers to the Christians of Europe and their colonies."
"The citizens of crusader nations should be targeted wherever they can be found. Every Muslim should get out of his house, find a crusader, and kill him... 'Stab the crusader' should be the battle cry."
Also in issue #4 is an article titled: The Revival of Slavery. The article goes into detailed examples of why slavery must exist and why Christians must be slaves. The article states that enslaving the families of the kuffar and taking their women as sex slaves is a firmly established aspect of shariah and the teachings of Muhammad. If one denies this, he is denying the Quran and Muhammad and is considered an apostate--which carries a death sentence.
DABIQ successfully recruited Muslims from around the world to fight for a Caliphate. How was this recruitment accomplished? By using verses from the Quran, examples of Muhammad's behavior, and by citing basic Islamic Doctrine on immigration.
Muslims throughout the world are told to attack Westerners "wherever they can be found."
"...It is very important that attacks take place in every country ... especially the US, UK, France, Australia and Germany. Every Muslim should get out of his house, find a crusader and kill him."
"Today we witness the end of the lie called western civilization and the rise of the Islamic giant."
"We will conquer your Rome, break your crosses, and enslave your women. This is Allah’s promise to us. If we do not reach that time right now, then our children and grandchildren will reach it, and they will sell your sons as slaves at the slave market."
"O America, O allies of America, and O crusaders, know that the matter is more dangerous than you have imagined and greater than you have envisioned. We have warned you that today we are in a new era, an era where the Islamic State, its soldiers, and its sons are leaders. They are a people who through the ages have not known defeat. Allah has declared it. And being killed is a victory. This is where the secret lies. You fight a people who can never be defeated."
"O Americans, and O Europeans. You will pay the price when your sons are sent to wage war against us, and they return to you as disabled amputees, or inside coffins, or mentally ill. You will pay the price as you are afraid of traveling to any land."
"We will strike you in your homeland."
To Muslims: "If you can kill a disbelieving American or European ... kill them in any manner or way however it may be. Kill the disbeliever (non-Muslim)."
"History repeats itself by Allah’s divine decree. The bulk of all jihad was against the cross-worshipping Romans ... The Muslims will be at war with the Roman Christians. Rome refers to the Christians of Europe and their colonies."
"The citizens of crusader nations should be targeted wherever they can be found. Every Muslim should get out of his house, find a crusader, and kill him... 'Stab the crusader' should be the battle cry."
Also in issue #4 is an article titled: The Revival of Slavery. The article goes into detailed examples of why slavery must exist and why Christians must be slaves. The article states that enslaving the families of the kuffar and taking their women as sex slaves is a firmly established aspect of shariah and the teachings of Muhammad. If one denies this, he is denying the Quran and Muhammad and is considered an apostate--which carries a death sentence.
DABIQ successfully recruited Muslims from around the world to fight for a Caliphate. How was this recruitment accomplished? By using verses from the Quran, examples of Muhammad's behavior, and by citing basic Islamic Doctrine on immigration.
The Return of the Caliphate
In this issue, immigration is described as a key element of jihad. “Jihad will be based upon hijrah (immigration) ... ta’ah (obedience), and i’dad (training), leading to ribat and qital (fighting), then Caliphate.” "Muslims are obligated by the tenets of their faith to immigrate...to help defend a new world ruled by sharia. |
"Defend your religion where you are. Kill them with knives. At the very least, strike them in the face.
"Whichever group can liberate al-Aqsa Mosque in Israel and raise the victorious banners of jihad atop al-Mukabber Mount in Jerusalem (the Temple Mount), that group...will claim control of the Global Jihad."
"Whichever group can liberate al-Aqsa Mosque in Israel and raise the victorious banners of jihad atop al-Mukabber Mount in Jerusalem (the Temple Mount), that group...will claim control of the Global Jihad."
Rumiyah (Rome) Issue #9: The Ruling on the Belligerent Christians
One of the articles in this magazine gives advice to Muslims as to how to kill kuffar in the West, including how to create as much carnage and terror as one possibly can, and, that they must stab and slit throats, chop off heads, flatten kuffar under trucks, and burn them alive. It gives advice as to how to acquire firearms, including how to attack gun shops. It advises Muslims to target night clubs, movie theaters, shopping malls, restaurants, concert halls, university campuses, public swimming pools, and any busy enclosed area. |
Past issues of Dabiq show young Islamic State members conducting executions and states that the need for future generations to join jihadi camps must be emphasized to all Muslims around the world.
The magazine describes Youth Camps (Jihadi Juniors and Caliphate Cubs) and states that these camps include members as young as three years old and includes training for girls. All children are trained in suicide bombing. The magazine states that in this way, by training children, Islam will have future generations armed and ready to continue the fight for world domination. The Islamic State says they send these jihadi children as "immigrants" to western countries. Immigration is emphasized as a recruitment message targeted at Muslims living in the West. Muslims living in the West are told that according to Islamic Doctrine, they are obligated to wage jihad against non-Muslims. It is in the Quran and the teachings of Muhammad. Jihad is a Muslim's duty. Quran verses and Hadith are quoted in these magazines to prove to Muslims they must participate in jihad. |
Issue #8: Shariah Alone will Rule Africa
All of North Africa is now Muslim majority. Additionally, Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda members have fully infiltrated the governments of North Africa. Since the 1980s, al-Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood have worked in coordination in attempts at creating Islamic States in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Algeria. Both groups desire a Caliphate run by shariah. Never forget, the Islamic State was originally al-Qaeda in Iraq. ISIS was the merger of al-Qaeda in Iraq with al-Qaeda in Syria. |
Central Africa is also rapidly becoming Muslim majority.
Al-Shabaab in Somalia and Boko Haram in Nigeria have both pledged their allegiance to the Islamic State. Boko Haram controls 6 times more territory than ISIS did.
Boko Haram has been continuously massacring Christian villages for several years. In January of 2015, more than 2000 Christians were killed in a 48-hr period. The Christian population has been reduced to a third of what it was.
Quran verses and sections of Hadith are used to back the claims that the Islamic State is fulfilling what the Quran demands that Muslims must do -- jihad to enforce Islam on the world.
An article in issue #8 justifies the destruction of ancient treasures of cultures by quoting segments from the Quran and Hadith. The article includes photos proudly displaying the Islamic State destroying ancient artifacts. The primary argument for this destruction is that this is the exact behavior of Muhammad.
The Islamic State condemns any nation that has "national pride" regarding their heritage. Only Islamic culture should exist.
“The soldiers of the Caliphate, with sledgehammers in hand, revived the tradition of Muhammad when they destroyed the legacy of a nation.”
Al-Shabaab in Somalia and Boko Haram in Nigeria have both pledged their allegiance to the Islamic State. Boko Haram controls 6 times more territory than ISIS did.
Boko Haram has been continuously massacring Christian villages for several years. In January of 2015, more than 2000 Christians were killed in a 48-hr period. The Christian population has been reduced to a third of what it was.
Quran verses and sections of Hadith are used to back the claims that the Islamic State is fulfilling what the Quran demands that Muslims must do -- jihad to enforce Islam on the world.
An article in issue #8 justifies the destruction of ancient treasures of cultures by quoting segments from the Quran and Hadith. The article includes photos proudly displaying the Islamic State destroying ancient artifacts. The primary argument for this destruction is that this is the exact behavior of Muhammad.
The Islamic State condemns any nation that has "national pride" regarding their heritage. Only Islamic culture should exist.
“The soldiers of the Caliphate, with sledgehammers in hand, revived the tradition of Muhammad when they destroyed the legacy of a nation.”
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(1) Soufan Group research study: http://soufangroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/TSG_ForeignFightersUpdate_FINAL.pdf
(2) State Department stats, as well as from Russia, that ISIS alone has at least 30,000 fighters in Syria: https://www.rt.com/usa/345269-40000-foreign-terrorists-syria/
(3) http://www.cheriberens.net/the-majority-of-syrian-refugees-are-not-syrian.html
(4) https://unitedwithisrael.org/isis-wants-to-blow-up-white-house-big-ben-and-eiffel-tower/
ee also: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3325952/The-White-House-turn-black-fire-Allah-willing-ISIS-warns-fresh-attacks-Washington-video-threaten-America-days.html
The top foreign nationalities who went to Syria to fight for Islam are: Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Western Europe, Former Soviet Union (Chechnya, Ukraine, Azerbaijan), Saudi Arabia, Russia, Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, Southeast Asia.
The numbers of foreign fighters who left to fight for Islam in 2015 may be as high as 360,000. This is because:
1. Many governments do not release estimates or travel documentation of the number of their citizens who have gone to Syria or Iraq.
2. For some countries, the number may reflect all those who have gone, while others subtract those who have died or returned; for example, those who left from Europe, as many as 30% returned, and those numbers are omitted.
3. Some countries do not include women and children.
4. In all cases it is likely that more have gone than the relevant government is prepared to admit.
5. Stats from the Soufan Group, data from 2014 and 2015, did not include the number of fighters that went to Syria from 2011-2013; hence, the number of 30,000 is extremely lower than actuality of fighters in Syria and Iraq in totality.
6. Countries like Chechnya do not give the numbers of children who are in the training camps, including the Caliphate Cubs, in which Chechnyans enter their children as young as three years old.
7. Many Islamist fighters cross into Syria unnoticed or illegally from Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia, and are not counted.
8. Indonesia has the largest Muslim population of any other country in the world; a population of approximately 202.9 million Muslims. The Indonesian government did not give stats for these reports. But there have been several instances that allude to the fact that Indonesians support the idea of terrorism as a means to spread Islam and Islamic Law.
Indonesia has experienced many episodes of Islamic terrorism and jihadist movements since declaring independence in 1945. After proclaiming an “Islamic State” in 1949, the organization Darul Islam denounced the Indonesian state as apostate and staged a series of armed rebellions in the 1950s and 1960s before moving underground.
Daryl Islam then split into numerous groups, including Laskar Jihad, which led a campaign against Christians throughout Indonesia. Another offshoot group, Jemaah Islamiyah, conducted the 2002 Bali bombings. Indonesian jihadists have also gone to Afghanistan as mujahideen.
With a population of 202,900,000 Muslims, a certain percentage of those would most certainly support ISIS and go to Syria, especially considered the Islamic State's slick recruitment Internet magazine and social media propaganda sites which are very appealing to young Muslims -- even in America.
* Much of the information about Indonesia came from: http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2016/01/isis-indonesia-foreign-fighters/422403/
(1) Soufan Group research study: http://soufangroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/TSG_ForeignFightersUpdate_FINAL.pdf
(2) State Department stats, as well as from Russia, that ISIS alone has at least 30,000 fighters in Syria: https://www.rt.com/usa/345269-40000-foreign-terrorists-syria/
(3) http://www.cheriberens.net/the-majority-of-syrian-refugees-are-not-syrian.html
(4) https://unitedwithisrael.org/isis-wants-to-blow-up-white-house-big-ben-and-eiffel-tower/
ee also: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3325952/The-White-House-turn-black-fire-Allah-willing-ISIS-warns-fresh-attacks-Washington-video-threaten-America-days.html
The top foreign nationalities who went to Syria to fight for Islam are: Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Western Europe, Former Soviet Union (Chechnya, Ukraine, Azerbaijan), Saudi Arabia, Russia, Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, Southeast Asia.
The numbers of foreign fighters who left to fight for Islam in 2015 may be as high as 360,000. This is because:
1. Many governments do not release estimates or travel documentation of the number of their citizens who have gone to Syria or Iraq.
2. For some countries, the number may reflect all those who have gone, while others subtract those who have died or returned; for example, those who left from Europe, as many as 30% returned, and those numbers are omitted.
3. Some countries do not include women and children.
4. In all cases it is likely that more have gone than the relevant government is prepared to admit.
5. Stats from the Soufan Group, data from 2014 and 2015, did not include the number of fighters that went to Syria from 2011-2013; hence, the number of 30,000 is extremely lower than actuality of fighters in Syria and Iraq in totality.
6. Countries like Chechnya do not give the numbers of children who are in the training camps, including the Caliphate Cubs, in which Chechnyans enter their children as young as three years old.
7. Many Islamist fighters cross into Syria unnoticed or illegally from Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia, and are not counted.
8. Indonesia has the largest Muslim population of any other country in the world; a population of approximately 202.9 million Muslims. The Indonesian government did not give stats for these reports. But there have been several instances that allude to the fact that Indonesians support the idea of terrorism as a means to spread Islam and Islamic Law.
Indonesia has experienced many episodes of Islamic terrorism and jihadist movements since declaring independence in 1945. After proclaiming an “Islamic State” in 1949, the organization Darul Islam denounced the Indonesian state as apostate and staged a series of armed rebellions in the 1950s and 1960s before moving underground.
Daryl Islam then split into numerous groups, including Laskar Jihad, which led a campaign against Christians throughout Indonesia. Another offshoot group, Jemaah Islamiyah, conducted the 2002 Bali bombings. Indonesian jihadists have also gone to Afghanistan as mujahideen.
With a population of 202,900,000 Muslims, a certain percentage of those would most certainly support ISIS and go to Syria, especially considered the Islamic State's slick recruitment Internet magazine and social media propaganda sites which are very appealing to young Muslims -- even in America.
* Much of the information about Indonesia came from: http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2016/01/isis-indonesia-foreign-fighters/422403/